Back in the shop making dust and tying flies. Check out my net building class April 26 & 27.
June 11, 2018
After making nets for more than 20 years, I have made as many or more mistakes than most wood workers and craftsmen. This hobby has given me the chance try a variety of methods and equipment in pursuit of perfection. I am also a self taught fly fisherman and spent many years floundering and frustrated while I sought the guidance of others and gained experience. I am hoping in this blog, to share my insights and make your time in the shop or on the stream more productive.
I recently returned from a vacation, fishing several beautiful rivers and meeting some wonderful people. While on the trip I had time to reflect. As I talked about my shop and my net building I saw patterns in my behavior. My wife says; I have a Compulsive Wood Disorder, as I can't walk by a pile of boards with out looking for a piece of wood to take home. As usual she is right....and I am now in the phase of acceptance. I now realize life doesn't come out even. There will always be wood in the wood rack, rods and rivers unfished and friends you didn't see enough. So lighten up, relax and enjoy the chaos of your life. A full life doesn't come out even.
September 22, 2024