Exploring another river, expect shipping delays.
March 11, 2019
For the past 25 years I have built landing nets, first as a hobby and now making a limited number of nets (40-50) available for sale. The technique of net frame construction was originally shared with me by Ron Reinhold, a master net maker from Traverse City, Michigan.
Those techniques have undergone further refinement and I would like to repay his kindness by sharing them with you. This method uses a particle board form cut to the shape of the landing net hoop. Inner tube tire is cut into long 1 inch wide strips. The rubber strips are used to clamp the four glue covered 1/8 thick wood laminates onto the mold and handle inset. After 24 hours the frame is unwrapped from the form and the particle board mold removed. The net frame is now ready for final shaping and finishing. Detailed step by step instructions are available on my DVD.
My one suggestion to the beginning net maker is to buy the net bag before you make your net frame. It is easier to vary the size of the hoop before you start than to find a net bag to fit the hoop after you have invested all your time and materials.
The wood strips, handle inset and net mold are readied.
Rubber strips cut and ready to use.
The wood strips are glued and ready to be clamped.
Starting to wrap the net.
Net frame wrapped, now gluing the handle.
Starting the final wraps on the frame and handle.
The finished glue up.
September 22, 2024