Back in the shop making dust and tying flies. Check out my net building class April 26 & 27.

Medium sized Fly Fishing Net in American Lacewood and Mahogany


This is a very functional net of American sycamore and mahogany.  Sycamore is sometimes called American Lacewood, because of the highly figured grain when quarter-sawed.   After a sycamore tree came down in our neighborhood I organized a saw mill party and was able to select the boards with the best figure.  The cream colored sycamore contrasts with the deep red mahogany left over from the furniture trade.  In the early 1900's, a time when Grand Rapids was famous for the furniture industry and small amounts of a deep rich red mahogany would show up at estate sales, when I first moved here 40 years ago.

    The Dickerson hoop measures 13 x 9 inches with an 8.5 inch handle. Overall length of 21.75 inches. 

    This landing net maybe be custom ordered with a slightly larger hoop and ghost net bag. My nets are all signed and numbered.  All nets have a custom shop made brass eye for attaching the net to your vest or belt.

    There is a $100 refundable deposit, with up to a 12 month wait time. I will email you for confirmation of details.