Back in the shop making dust and tying flies. Check out my net building class April 26 & 27.

Small Brook Trout Net in Walnut and Texas Ebony


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This is a landing net for smaller waters where carrying a big net is un-needed and a burden as you crawl and hike along the stream bank. Streams where the fish are measured in beauty not inches.  The net is about 19 inches overall, with an 8 inch handle and a 11 x 6 inch hoop.  The American walnut is found along the edges of our Eastern creeks and rivers.  The is an end cap of Texas Ebony from the southwest United States.

This style can be custom ordered in a variety of woods or slightly larger frame. Ghost style net bags are not available for these small nets. Hand made in the USA. The net has a deep epoxy finish. All of my fly fishing nets are signed and numbered.  All nets have a custom, in shop made, brass eye for attaching the net to your vest or belt.

If you are interested in a similar net with custom woods or features it is available as special order, with a 6-12 month wait time.  Please contact me if your are interested in  a custom order to confirm details. (

The net, as shown, is a available for immediate shipping. The pictures are of the net you will receive.

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