Back in the shop making dust and tying flies. Check out my net building class April 26 & 27.

Medium Sized Landing Net of Walnut and Box-Elder


This is a popular net for both its size and appearance.  The light cream colored box-elder contrasts with the rich dark black walnut. The 8 inch handle combines with the 9 x 13 inch hoop for a very functional net.

I select the box-elder for color and grain.  Box-elder is in the maple family of woods and is consider a "junk" tree.  Yet hidden in some trees can be exceptional grain and color. The wood is typically a light white to cream color, but the occasional tree can display streaks of red combined with curly, quilted or swirling grain. The wood is given to spalting even while standing, so there maybe selections with honey tone or lines of grey or black.  You don't buy this kind of wood, you hunt for it. 

This style of net can be custom ordered with slightly larger frame fitting a ghost style bag at slightly higher pricing. Hand made in the USA. The net has a deep epoxy finish. All of my fly fishing nets are signed and numbered. All nets have a custom in shop made brass eye for attaching the net to your vest or belt. 

There is a $100 refundable deposit, with up to a 12 month wait time. I will email you for confirmation of details.