Back in the shop making dust and tying flies. Check out my net building class April 26 & 27.

Small sized Fly Fishing Landing Net in Spalted Maple and Walnut


– Sold Out

This smaller trout net features an 8.5 inch curved handle of spalted Maple handle with a walnut inset.  It has a 7 x 10.5 inch walnut hoop (about a 32 inch circumference).  The curved handle was inspired by some of the Japanese nets I have seen in the past. 

What is spalted maple? Spalting is the first step of decay. Within the forest soil and trees are millions of fungi living as part of the complex web of the forest. When a tree dies an individual fungi spore will start metabolizing the sugars within a region of the fallen tree. As it grows out from that central point its path will meet another fungal colony. The two colonies will react, interact and battle along their contact line. Each colony will be giving the wood a slightly different tone and the death along the the lines of contact will produce the dark black lines and swirls.

I look for the occasional board with the right amount of color, contrast and figure to strike the eye, yet it must have retained its structural integrity. After the wood has been dried and soaked with finish there is very little chance of further change. The net is finished with a multi-layered epoxy finish.  My nets are all signed and numbered. All nets have a custom shop made brass eye for attaching the net to your vest or belt.

If you are interested in a similar net with custom woods or features it is available as special order, with a 6-12 month wait time.  Please contact me if your are interested in  a custom order to confirm details. (

The net, as shown, is a available for immediate shipping. The pictures are of the net you will receive.