Chasing grandkids for the holidays expect shipping delays. Back in the shop soon.

News and Reviews, Classes in landing net construction.

Enjoy these pages, with a little bit of everything. After I had been making nets for about 10 years, an instructor, in bamboo fly rod construction, ask me when I was I going to start to share what I learned.  After about 15 years, I am so glad he encourage me to show other wood workers and fishermen my techniques.  In sharing landing net construction with classes and demonstrations at various fly fishing shows and venues I have made so many new friends. Check my calendar of up-coming events.  I hope to see you there.

My home work shop classes are perfect for the experienced or beginner woodworker because of the small group size and flexibility. (I welcome parent (grand parent)  and child adventures but suggest a customized class.)   The classes at Marc Adams are special because of the level of students and instructors that help with the class enriching the experience.

I have also added a section for the many emails I have received about my class and products.

Tight lines and full nets.
