Back in the shop making dust and tying flies. Check out my net building class April 26 & 27.

Small Brook Trout Landing Net: Cherry and Red Elm


This is a landing net for smaller waters where carrying a big net is un-needed and a burden as you crawl and hike along the stream bank. Streams where the fish are measured in beauty not inches.  The net is 20.5  inches overall, with an 8 inch handle and a 12 x 7.5 inch hoop.  The American cherry and red elm are woods found along the edges of our Eastern creeks and rivers.  The handle butt has a cap of osage orange and purple heart.

This style can be custom ordered in a variety of woods or slightly larger frame. Ghost style net bags are not available for these small nets. Hand made in the USA. The net has a deep epoxy finish. All of my fly fishing nets are signed and numbered.  All nets have a custom, in shop made, brass eye for attaching the net to your vest or belt.

There is a $100 refundable deposit, with up to a 12 month wait time. I will email you for confirmation of details.

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