Back in the shop making dust and tying flies. Check out my net building class April 26 & 27.
A lot of fishermen seem to stand at my booth and try to envision using the curved handled nets.
When I started carving curved handles, I wondered how a compound curve would look and feel. I can tell you, I like it. The double curve seems to slide the net under the fish. Whether that is just in my head is another opinion.
The 14 inch black walnut handle seems to hug my back rather than sticking out. The 10.5 x 10.5 hoop, 36 inch circumference, is comfortable to carry and handles a nice fish. Unfortunately I hand carve each handle so there won't be a big supply.
I can work with you and vary the curve of the handle to fit your ideas. This style of landing net may be custom ordered in various woods or with a larger hoop fitting a ghost style net bag. My nets are all signed and numbered. All nets have a custom shop made brass eye for attaching the net to your vest or belt.
There is a $100 refundable deposit, with up to a 12 month wait time. I will email you for confirmation of details.