Back in the shop making dust and tying flies. Check out my net building class April 26 & 27.

Small Landing net with a Wind-in-the-Wilows handle.


– Sold Out

This a landing net with a smaller hoop and a curved handle of contrasting woods. The  split handle of walnut and sycamore is about 8 inches long. The smaller  Dickerson style hoop has contrasting layers of sycamore and walnut, it  measures 8 by 12 inches. 

Mother Nature gave me this handle design. There was a curved intrusion in a beautifully grained piece of wood.  I was intrigued and cut out a handle following its shape. The finished landing net reminded me of a willow bent by the wind next to a favorite trout stream.  

This fly fishing net style  is available in a variety of woods, hoop shapes and sizes. All nets feature a soft nylon catch and release bag or may be fitted with a ghost bag, as a custom option. All nets are signed and numbered.

Also shown with optional custom leather case.   Price for Net and custom leather case is $520.

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