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Small Hoop Tenkara style landing net in White Oak


This net is 23 inch over all and really displays the curly grain of the quarter-sawn white oak.  White oak is use to make whiskey barrels.  Unlike its brother the porous red oak, white oak with its tight grain isn't afraid of water.  The maple and the white oak are found throughout the eastern USA, often in the same locations that we find our best trout streams.  I also make this net in figured maple which is quite stunning. 

The medium sized circular 10 inch hoop is about 33 inches in circumference.  The longer 13.5 inch handle is good for Tenkara style fishing or those who want to protect the tip of their bamboo rod, with a little longer reach.  

I can create this style of net as a custom order with a smaller or larger hoop and handle. It maybe ordered in a variety of woods with similar pricing. The net has a deep epoxy finish. All of my fly fishing nets are signed and numbered.  All nets have a custom, in shop made, brass eye for attaching the net to your vest or belt.

There is a $100 refundable deposit, with up to a 12 month wait time. I will email you for confirmation of details.

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