Back in the shop making dust and tying flies. Check out my net building class April 26 & 27.

Build Your Custom Landing Net, 90 minute Digital Download.


This 90 minute  instructional program is a systematic step by step guide to landing net construction for the fisherman and woodworker.  

Covered topics include:

  • Designing your landing net
  • Collection and preparing the necessary tools and materials
  • Wood selection and preparation
  • Creating the net form and handle inset
  • Aligning, gluing, and clamping
  • Sanding and machining
  • Surface preparation and finishing of the landing net
  • Landing net bag selection and attachment
  • Creation of custom tools and jigs
  • Adding custom features

Be sure to check out a sample of my instructional program on Youtube. 

If you would like a physical DVD instead, please find that product listing here:
Building Custom Landing Net Physical DVD

Dapp has stopped making the powdered glue I use in the DVD.   I am now buying this glue as Pro-glue or Ultra-Cat. (Check or,  Woodcraft carries this glue but in 5 gallon buckets, go figure.) Also check out my Blog post discussion of glues I use in making landing nets. This includes material not in my DVD.  Also, I can report that I l have been using Titebond III with good results.  I like to heat the glued net to 120 degrees (F) for 24 hours, then unwrap and let the net dry for another 24 hours (again at the 120 degrees). I find the glue machines much better after the glue has set at the increased temp.


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