Back in the shop making dust and tying flies. Check out my net building class April 26 & 27.

Marc Adams School of Woodworking Class


I have demonstrated landing net building and construction methods at a variety of fly shows and locations over the past years.   My weekend classes through the Marc Adams School of Woodworking are designed so that all students complete a landing net during the class.  

This year I  will be teaching a class at Marc Adams school of Wood Working, June 5-9, 2023.  During the class each student will build their own fixtures needed to build and finish a landing net.  There will a combination of demonstration and hands on for every student to build their own net and try various decorative techniques.  Most of my home-shop classes are of a shorter duration and I have concentrated on the student completing their net in a busy two day workshop.  I typically demonstrate my finishing technique but the students do not apply finish to their own nets nor do they make their own fixtures.  The increased duration of this class will allow us to explore some of those other aspects.

Key Points:

  • History of landing nets

  • Construction over view

  • An easy methods of design

  • Quick and easy wood bending

  • Preserving symmetry with center lines and registration marks

  • Successful clamping and gluing of complex parts

  • Machine safety and set up

  • Machining and shaping

  • Customizing and finishing. 

You will need to contact the Marc Adams School of Woodworking directly to enroll.  

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