Back in the shop making dust and tying flies. Check out my net building class April 26 & 27.

Deluxe Leather Landing Net Cases


Originally I would store my landing net in a tennis racket case when I traveled or left my net in the trunk of my car. I had always liked the look of leather rod and reel cases so I was inspired to find a case fitting the quality of my net. With the aid of a local Michigan saddle maker, we designed a custom landing net case. The oil tanned leather case complimented my landing net, providing protection during travel and storage.

The standard leather is stone rolled and oiled leather with brass hardware. The same local craftsman can make a custom net case to fit your fly fishing net. You may add custom tooling and finishing to your specifications. Adding custom case enhances the presentation of a landing net as a gift. 

Prices vary but the oiled leather runs about $350-450 for a custom case in the style shown with adjustable shoulder strap. (pricing varies mainly based on the cost of hide needed for your case.)

 Small Case is for a net about 21-23 inches long with a hoop about 10.5 inches wide. (Smaller custom cases maybe special ordered with the same pricing.)

Medium case is for a net about 24-26 inches long and a hoop of about 12 inches wide.

Larger cases will start at $400 and vary mainly related to the amount of leather needed.  (a side of leather (think the side of a cow)  is running at about $150-200 at the time of this posting.)


Please contact me for availability and a pricing, for a case of your specifications.   

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