Back in the shop making dust and tying flies. Check out my net building class April 26 & 27.

Handle Caps and Crowns, Starting at $50.


Pictured are several possibilities that add $50-125 to the price of the  landing net.

I try to make every one of my hand crafted landing nets,  a little different from any other net I have made in the past. An unusual feature I offer is a handle end cap of antler or contrasting wood. A wire braid may also be added alone or as an added feature. The wire braid can enhance an otherwise simple handle.

Illustrated examples:

Elk antler end cap

Birds eye maple end cap 

Deer antler crown

Antler fork

 Wire braid

After you order a custom net, I will want to talk directly to you to confirm all the details before starting your net. 

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