Back in the shop making dust and tying flies. Check out my net building class April 26 & 27.

Medium sized landing net in Cherry and maple with curved handle.


This is a Medium sized landing net in cherry and maple with a curved handle. The curved cherry handle is about 8 inches long features a walnut end cap.  The Dickerson style hoop has contrasting layers of cherry and maple. I use the lighter maple to frame the cherry handle.   The hoop  measures 9 by 13 inches. 

Originally "Mother Nature" gave me this design. There was a curved intrusion in a beautifully grained piece of wood.  I was intrigued and cut out a handle following its shape. The finished landing net reminded me of a willow bent by the wind next to a favorite trout stream.  As I select wood for handles I try and find grain that matches the flow of the handle shape.

If you are interested in a similar net with custom woods or features it is available as special order, with a 6-12 month wait time.  Please contact me if your are interested in  a custom order to confirm details. (

The net, as shown, is a available for immediate shipping. The pictures are of the net you will receive.
