Back in the shop making dust and tying flies. Check out my net building class April 26 & 27.

Medium net in Ash and Walnut with the The GB Special Hoop


– Sold Out

This net features a curved handle that I like to think of as my half and half, a handle with a slight double curve then divided, the light ash contrasting with the dark walnut. It features the slightly elongated GB special hoop. 

For 20 years GB carried the paper pattern of an old broken landing net he had seen while fishing in the Adirondacks.  During a conversation, he told me the story of this broken trout net and his pattern. This fly fishing net is the result of translating that paper pattern into wood. The hoop is elongated was about 14 x 8 inches.

This fly fishing net is also available in a variety of woods, handle shapes and hoop sizes. All nets feature a soft nylon catch and release bag but may be fitted with a ghost bag, as a custom option with a slightly larger hoop size.  The net is finished with multiple coats of epoxy. All nets are signed and numbered.